About Us

CHAKKARs – Moving Interventions is a platform that wants to facilitiate spaces in which PoC, postmigrant, decolonizing, critical intersectional, anti-racist, and critically white perspectives can be negotiated in and through dance, bodies and physical cultures.

Sandra Chatterjee’s choreographic and scholarly work is situated at the intersection of theory and practice deals with performance, dance, and the body with a focus on gender, postcolonial and migration studies. She is interested in direct exchange and wants to involve senses less considered in dance (e.g. smells and their political dimensions, most recent projects smells of racis and smells of coexistence).  In her research she has been critically interrogating the aesthetic category of the “contemporary” in the context dance in Europe. Additional (research) interests include (artistic) collaboration, and the possible intersection of artistic practice, civil engagement and cultural and artistic citizenship. Currently, she is part of the research team of the FWF-funded project Border Dancing across Time (P 31958-G) at the University of Salzburg. She is also a founding member of the Post Natyam Collective and the co-initiator and co-organizer of CHAKKARs.

Sarah Bergh studied Education, Psychology and Theater Studies. After more than ten years as a scheduler and booker at the theater and in production management for various theater, dance and performance festivals, she has been self-employed since 2002 with her office for the conception and realization of art and cultural projects (berghkuk.de/freispiel.info). The focus of her work is on political education, with the topics of migration and diversity education, human rights, discrimination / racism, decolonization and self-assertion / empowerment. In this context, she has developed numerous educational projects for young people together with public and private partners, foundations and artists. Since 2015 she is working in the Department of Political Education at the Pedagogical Institute / Department of Education and Sport of the LH Munich.

Ariadne Jakoby Growing up in Munich and the surrounding area, Ariadne has been dancing from the age of 7. To develop her passion and make dancing her career, she joined the Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance in Munich, one of the leading institutes for contemporary dance in Europe. Following her graduation as a Certified Dance Pedagogue in 2015, Ariadne has been teaching the various forms of contemporary dance to all ages, from young children to senior citizens. Her lessons are characterised by enthusiasm and humour. Ariadne’s grandmother came to Munich from the greek island of Crete. As a result of this family background, and, not least thanks to her name, she has always been interested in questioning identity, origins, external image and stereotypes and how they are approached within German society. Studying Empirical Cultural Studies and European Social and Cultural Anthropology made these questions even more accessible to her. In February 2020, she graduated from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich with a Bachelor of Arts.

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